I was all like, "I don't wanna go look at birds", "I have birds at my house", blah, blah, blah and kicking the dirt and making the awshucks move with my fist.
Grumble, drive, mutter, turn in, grouse, follow map, gnarl - what was that? Frantically trying to read the list of birds found at the observatory during this month. And that?!
Where is my Sibley Guide to Birds when I need it?!?!
Things I think I saw not based on any fact whatsoever: maybe a Wood Duck, 99% sure on a Little Blue Heron (above), a Willow Flycatcher or a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a White-eyed Vireo or a Yellow Warbler, possibly a Snowy Egret, a Northern Cardinal and an American Crow.
Oh. And a wolf spider. And some turtles.
It turned out to be so much fun.
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