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Friday, December 31, 2010


Brian Hill

Nice haul! I gotta say that your blog is very entertaining and Steffany and I like to read it. You should check out Renee Aly's blog (http://somanyblessingssolittletime.blogspot.com/) if you have not already found it. Similar POV.

Have a wonderful New Year!

Dorothy G. Caldwell

It does look like a lot when you write it down! I was very good this year!

I haven't seen that blog - I'll check it out.

Thanks for the encouragement! Have a wonderful new year!

Jane Flores

Call Bed Bath and Beyond. They may have the VAc n Steam then you can save some cash and use your gift card. PLUS BBB usually has a 20% off mailing every month. (just saw one of those coupon queen shows - she got $257 worth of groceries for $6.37! - so my brain was working that way. . . )

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